Who should have Rescue Alert of Dixie

Who Should Have a Personal Emergency Response System?

If someone is at risk of losing their independence, their opportunity to make choices, or they are alone for any part of the day or night, they are candidates for Rescue Alert’s personal emergency response services.

It is unfortunate that it often takes an event like a fall before your loved one realizes the benefit of medical alarms.  Children often worry about their parents being alone and unable to call for help so they sign up their parents with a subscription.

However you may think you are not ready for this service; on the other hand here are some very important points to consider before making a final decision.

  • Get the service before you actually need it. Sometimes new subscribers forget that they are wearing a panic button. If they have been using a medical alert system for a year or two before they need it, they tend to remember it in an emergency situation.

  • The first fall is often the most devastating. Sometimes it takes an initial fall for someone to realize that they really do need help contacting their family in an emergency situation. Unfortunately, falling down and breaking a hip and then waiting several hours to be discovered takes a tremendous physical and emotional toll. Often the general health and resilience of the person is never the same after the experience. When an accident happens, responding quickly makes all the difference.

  • The subscriber’s loved ones benefit too. Family members frequently worry about the health and welfare of a loved one who may be at risk. Knowing that help can be summoned with the touch of a button provides peace of mind to these family members too.

  • It is not just calling for help. Rescue Alert’s response center doesn’t just call public emergency services for you. Calls are placed to any family member on your list who has asked to be notified of an incident. We have received many letters from people close to a Rescue Alert subscriber who are grateful that our services enabled them to meet their loved one at a health facility as soon as possible. The peace of mind and comfort that these systems provide to subscribers and their families is priceless.

Below is a list of people who may benefit from a Rescue Alert Response System.

Living alone                                                                            Death of a spouse

Falling tendencies                                                                  Physically disabled persons

Poor motor or dexterity skills                                              Mentally disabled persons

Recuperation after surgery                                                  Domestic violence victims

55 plus years of age                                                               Illness